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Information On Caring For A Stoma In Vietnamese

Bolton Clarke provides a series of information handouts on different health topics. Information on caring for a Stoma in Vietnamese covers information such as:

  • What is a stoma?
  • A guide to eating and drinking;
  • A guide to managing constipation;
  • Caring for a colostomy, ileostomy or urostomy;
  • Healthy bowel habits;
  • Hints for a patient with a stoma;
  • Peri-anal skin care.

You can read the ‘Information on caring for a stoma’ from your mobile telephone, tablet or computer. You can also print off any of the information you would like to read later on. The information provided is to help you look after yourself and loved ones.

To view now click here

This booklet was published by the Royal District Nursing Service Limited with the assistance of the Australian Association of Stomal Therapy Nurses Inc.