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Wound care helps Jim enjoy active St Kilda lifestyle

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For St Kilda resident Jim Murphy, 84, a fall at the home was the catalyst for a lifestyle change that has helped him live the life he wants with extra support when he needs it.

Jim’s adventurous life that has taken him from Tenterfield in New South Wales to Europe and America, working in the Airforce and for British Petroleum. 

After surviving cancer and dealing with complex health needs, a fall led to the decision to move into a retirement living apartment at Bolton Clarke’s Europa on Alma community at St Kilda, with assistance from on-site at home support nurses.

“Three years ago, I had a bad fall onto the kitchen table, and I thought this is ridiculous living alone.

“I saw Europa on Alma being built and it’s like living in a five-star hotel. I have a one-bedroom apartment on the first floor with a lovely view looking south and east over the suburb.”

While Jim lives independently in his new home, he says having specialist nursing support close by has helped him stay well and manage his health with regular reviews and physiotherapy support.

Most recently, his support has included having quick access to wound care after a fall at a tram stop.

“I’ve looked after myself all my life since I was 16 but this experience has been a wakeup call,” he says.

“I skinned my elbow also hand so badly. A marvellous nurse now sees me three times a week

To dress my wounds and make sure they’re not infected.

“I’m right-handed so without her I’d be lost and would have to go to the doctor every day - plus I don’t drive so I’d have to get me friends to run me down there.”

August 17-23 is National Wound Awareness Week.

Mr Murphy says he will need the wound care for at least another 10 days.

“My skin is very delicate, and the lovely nurses are amazed at how quickly I have healed,” he says.

For more information on skin and wound care click here