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An unexpected connection welcomes Janise home


When Janise moved to the Bolton Clarke Bongaree retirement village, she didn’t immediately recognise the connection that had brought her to her new home.

“In the 1950s I had my first job as a filing clerk with the RSL in Sydney. Who would have thought that this is where I would end up living 60 odd years later?” she says of her recent move. Bolton Clarke began as RSL Care in Queensland.

Janise loves the small village feel and having a supportive community around her. She is also glad to have found a home that offers the perfect mix of socialisation and serenity.

“It’s important to have balance. I like the attitude of the people here.”

“Everyone is really nice and friendly, they always say hello as they walk past.

“You have time to slow down here. If you want to do something the opportunity is always there but if you don’t want to, you don’t have to.”

She says that keeping her independence is important to her as well.

“I try to do everything I can by myself. I do need some help with some things, and have that help available to me now, but I still do as much as I can.”

Janise is especially proud that she managed to find the unit herself on Facebook and having flexible payment options puts Janise’s mind at ease, meaning she has more time for the activities she loves.

“I feel very safe – apart from the kangaroos that try to eat my plants! I’ve got a nice area out the back for gardening, the RSL is just down the road, so is the pool for physio, and I’m enjoying cooking with another lady in the Village.

“I’ve found my absolute end here, it’s just lovely. I needed to find somewhere that suited my needs, but that kept me around people and allowed me to be independent.

“The opportunity to live in the community at Bongaree was just meant to be.”