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Dr Claudia Meyer

Senior Research Fellow

Claudia Meyer NEW.jpgClaudia is a Senior Research Fellow with the Research Institute, combining her research skills with clinical physiotherapy experience (AHPRA registered), for the benefit of older people and their carers. She leads implementation of research evidence into practice for older individuals, staff, and management for falls prevention and dementia care across the spectrum of community and residential care.

She is an Adjunct Research Fellow in Monash University’s Rehabilitation, Ageing and Independent Living Research Centre and the Flinders University College of Nursing and Health Sciences, and an Honorary Associate in the Centre for Health Communication and Participation at La Trobe University.

She has published 56 peer review papers (23 as first author), along with several industry publications and been involved in obtaining >$4.9 million in grant funding. She has presented at >30 national and international conferences (15 as invited speaker). She regularly contributes to the scholarly environment through student supervision, mentoring, thesis examinations, peer review, and media engagement. Global citizenship extends to being current President and Chair of the Australian Association of Gerontology Board, student/early career representative for the International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics Asia-Oceania region and participation in various committees. She engages with local communities through a Dementia Alliance, dementia networks and community presentations.


Research interests:


implementation science, dementia care, falls prevention, shared decision-making, equity and inclusion


Methodological expertise:


Implementation science, Quantitative and qualitative systematic reviews, Co-design, Mixed methods