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Dr Ahsan Saleem

Research Fellow

Ahsan Saleem NEW.jpgAhsan is a Research Fellow in aged care implementation research in the Research Institute. He is a pharmacist by training with clinical experience in community and hospital pharmacy, prior to moving into clinical and health services research. Ahsan completed his PhD at The University of Queensland in health literacy and quality use of medicines, followed by a postdoctoral fellowship position in translational research in the Elder Care program at the University of Alberta in Canada to gain further expertise in geriatric pharmacotherapy and aged care research.

Ahsan is highly motivated to conduct clinically salient research that enhances patient-centered care and health and quality of life of individuals. He is particularly interested in investigating ways to optimise medication use and safety, health literacy, and health outcomes in older adults and culturally and linguistically diverse consumers.

Ahsan has expertise in quantitative surveys, qualitative interviews, thematic analysis, clinical trials, systematic reviews, and validation of patient reported outcome measures



Research interests:


Medicines use and safety, geriatric pharmacotherapy, aged care, deprescribing, pain management, health literacy, and health services research


Methodological expertise:


Quantitative surveys, qualitative synthesis, clinical trial, systematic review, translational research, and validation of patient reported outcome measures